Impurezas de degradação

Leite, Flavio

Palavras-chave: Impurity, degradation impurity, composed isolation.

Resumo: Nowadays analytical chemistry scientists must face the challenge of isolating compounds that are present in minor quantities in other compounds. Considering that the target substances can be reaction byproducts, impurities or degradation compounds which can present complex carbonic chains and functional groups, sophisticated identification and separation techniques are required. Every synthesized or extracted product presents an equilibrium of chemical reactions that keep molecular structures stable to certain conditions like temperature, pressure, humidity, salinity, pH, viscosity, solubility, speed, etc. When this equilibrium is disrupted by physical or chemical agents like light, heat, oxidation, dehydration, secondary reactions may take place and, as a consequence, new structures can appear in the final product. These structures, along with reagent residues from the chemical route of production and residues of solvents, compose the IMPURITIES of the active ingredient or DEGRADATION IMPURITES.

Referências Bibliográficas

1. LEITE, Flávio – Validação em Análise Química- 5ª Edição- Editora Átomo- 2008
2. LEITE, Flávio – Análise de Fitoterápicos (Artigo) – Revista Racine – 2006
3. ANVISA- RE Nº. 1, DE 29 DE JULHO DE 2005. Disponível em: .
4. ICH Topic Q 1-F Stability Data Package for Registration Applications in Climatic Zones III and IV- Junho 2006. Disponível em:
5. GUIDANCE FOR INDUSTRY ANDAs: Impurities in Drug Substances U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) June 2009 Office of Generic Drugs R1 Disponível em: .
6. WHO-World Health Day 2010. Disponível em:
7. ANVISA-REVISTA RACINE- Estabilidade de Medicamentos no Âmbito da Farmacovigilância – Janaína de Pina Carvalho, Alzeir Santana Santos, Argentina Santos de Sa, Christiane dos Santos Teixeira e Marcia Santos Nogueir. Disponível em: .
8. WHO- Draft regional guidelines on stability testing of active substances and pharmaceutical products EM/RC53/12 August 2006. Disonível em: .
9. Q-LAB- Lâmpadas-Folheto ilustrativo e explicativo.