Problemas com o formato dos picos em cromatografia líquida

Santos Neto, Álvaro José

Palavras-chave: asymmetry, peak tailing, peak fronting, peak distortions, HPLC, liquid chromatography.

Resumo: The latest edition of this column introduced the concepts of the Troubleshooting technique and discussed instrumental aspects related with problem solving in chromatography. In this current edition peak shape problems occurring in liquid chromatography will start to be addressed. Peak distortions like tailing, fronting, widening, and double peaks or peaks with shoulders may occur due to several reasons and this matter needs to be detailed to provide chromatographic users with background to solve these problems. Differently of the discussion in the latest article, in which the focus concerned with the care in preventing physical problems with instrument mechanics, in this article (and in its sequences) subjects related with chemical aspects of the separation will also be treated. The most common contributions to peak distortion will be briefly studied and exemplified for a better understanding, and strategies to overcome these problems will be presented as well.

Referências Bibliográficas

1. Dolan, J.W. and Snyder, L.R. Troubleshooting LC systems – A comprehensive approach to troubleshooting LC equipment and separation. Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press. (1989) 500p.
2. Snyder, L.R. and Kirkland, J.J. Introduction to modern liquid chromatography, 2 ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons. (1979) 863p.
3. R.D. Morrison and J.W. Dolan. LCGC North America, 23, 6 (2005).
4. T.–L. Ng and S. Ng. J. Chromatogr., 329, 13 (1985)