Determination of pesticide residues in rice plant by modified QuEChERS and gas chromatography with electron capture detection
Cogo JP et al.
Palavras-chave: pesticide, plant, rice, QuEChERS, GC-ECD.
Resumo: The intensive use of pesticides in rice cultivation results in the occurrence of residues in the grain, but also in the plant, which after harvest is often used for animal feed. In this work, a method for the determination of residues of the insecticides bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin and of the fungicides azoxystrobin and trifloxystrobin in rice plant was developed and validated using a modified QuEChERS method for sample preparation and analysis by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC-ECD). After the optimization of the extraction and analysis parameters, the method was validated. The analytical curves prepared in blank matrix extract showed linearity between 0.01 and 1.0 mg L-1, with r2>0.99. Method limits of quantification were 0.05 mg kg-1 for lambda-cyhalothrin, bifenthrin and trifloxystrobin and 0.25 mg kg-1 for azoxystrobin. The extract clean-up using a small amount of activated charcoal, besides being of low cost, was efficient in the removal of the great quantity of pigments of the matrix without significant loss of the pesticides under study. The method presented adequate accuracy, with recoveries between 71.2 and 103.6%, and good precision, with RSD values <14.7%, for levels of fortification 0.25, 0.5, 1.25 and 2.5 mg kg-1. The method was applied to evaluate the persistence of the pesticides in rice plant cultivated in a field experiment and proved to be sensitive and efficient.
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