Open tubular columns internally coated with a porous layer (PLOT) in miniaturized liquid chromatographyda
Lanças FM et al..
Keywords: Miniaturized Liquid Chromatography, OT-PLOT-LC, PLOT-LC(ESI)MS E PLOT-LC(EI)-MS.
Abstract: Liquid chromatography is evolving to miniaturization in order to achieve better levels of efficiency, following the steps of gas chromatography. The main aspect of miniaturization is the reduction of the internal diameter of the analytical columns. The main advantages are the possibility of analyzing samples with small volumes, increased separation efficiency, and lower mobile and stationary phase expenditure, according to the principles of Green Chemistry. Among the miniaturized, the porous layer open tubular column (PLOT) (OT-PLOT-LC) stands out due to their reduced load capacity, higher permeability and separation efficiency. However, for better efficiency there is a restriction of having internal diameters equal to or less than 10 μm. This feature imposes instrumental limitations, such as the need for a special system for introducing samples and detectors with low-volume detection cells, which are responsible for delaying their commercial diffusion and study. However, the development of equipment capable of operating at a nano scale, with low flow and low mobile phase volume, has become suitable for hyphenation with mass spectrometry, using as an ionization form electron impact or electrospray (PLOT-LC(ESI)-MS and PLOT-LC (EI)-MS). The objective of this work is to report and discuss some of the main points related to the miniaturization of analytical columns in liquid chromatography, with emphasis on open tubular columns of the PLOT type.
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