Novas perspectivas em técnicas de microextração estática

Ide A. H., Nogueira J. M. F.

Keywords: Bar adsorptive microextraction (BAµE), Hollow fibre microextraction (HFµE), Static microextraction techniques, Floating sampling technology, Real samples.

Resumo: The trace determination of priority or emerging organic compounds in matrices with high complexity, requires the use of appropriate analytical techniques for sample preparation prior to instrumental analysis. In the last three decades, the static microextraction techniques have shown great preponderance to monitor organic contaminants in different types of samples, in combination with the great selectivity and sensitivity of the modern analytical instrumentation. Although the literature proposes several microextraction techniques, most of the approaches, apart from being expensive, present several limitations from the practical point of view, are environmentally questionable and require improvement in order to be easily applied in routine.
Recently, state-of-the-art analytical devices were introduced in the bar adsorptive microextraction (BAµE) technique and, proposed an innovative hybrid technique, the hollow fiber microextraction (HFµE). The main advantages of these new approaches are, in addition to the devices being easily prepared at the laboratory, the great simplicity, easy handling, high cost-benefit, ecological sustainability, as well as feasibility for routine work.
The present contribution intends to envisage another perspective on the advantages of static microextraction techniques, with special emphasis on the innovations introduced by BAµE and HFµE methodologies, as alternative analytical tools for monitoring traces of organic contaminants with impact.

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