Como economizar (ou eliminar o uso de) acetonitrila em tempos de “crise”?

Lanças, Fernando M.

Palavras-chave: Aacetonitrile, eluent, HPLC, móbile phase optimization.

Resumo: Acetonitrile is nowadays by far the major organic solvent used as móbile phase in HPLC. Starting the second semester in 2008, the availability of this solvent decreased at the same time that its cost jumped to values considered well above reasonable for this kind of solvent. Several explanations has been invoked to explain this new situation . The most accepted ones the closing of Chinese large acetonitrile purification units, and the actual international financial “crisis” which lowered the demand for the production of acrilonitrile, of whose fabrication acetonitrile is a by-product. Independently of the reason, the new situation demands the search for alternatives to decrease or even eliminate the use of this solvent in HPLC. In the present work, we suggest 10 different ways to optimize/minimize/eliminate the use of acetonitrile in HPLC methods. Some methods requires just small changes, while some others demands larger instrument modificatio.

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