Sub-produtos de desinfecção de águas potáveis: antigos e novos desafios

Augusto, Fabio

Palavras-chave: Drinking water, chlorination, disinfection by-products, trihalomethanes.

Resumo: The disinfection of surface water by chlorination has been known for exactly one century, being extensively employed on the production of drinking water and one of the principal causes of the improvement on living conditions experienced by urban population since its popularization. However, in 1974 it was found that the action of chlorine and other oxidants added to water over dissolved or suspended organic matter could result on trace amounts of potentially harmful organochlorine products, such as trihalomethanes. Presently some 600 disinfection by-products are known, and some of them are systematically monitored to check the potability of drinking water. We will discuss here the Analytical Chemistry associated to these disinfection by-products, with focus on the paper of Gas Chromatography and other analytical separation techniques on their discovery, determination and identification.

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