Unraveling the measurement in chemical analysis: 2. Traceability of Measurement

Bahia Filho, Oscar; Prada, Patricia Regina; Meneghesso, Carla; Lanças, Fernando M.

Palavras-chave: Traceability, measurement uncertainty, standard operating procedure, statistical process control, method validation.

ResumoSince the adoption of the guidelines of the ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025, the term traceability of results has been used by accreditation bodies as part of the requirements inherent demonstrable during an auditing. For metrology physical the demonstration of traceability can be easily made by the nature of the measure, already for chemical metrology, this demonstration is not so simple, because the chemical tests, as a rule, are indirect measures, ie, results the concentration of the component in the sample is obtained by measuring other quantities / units from the different units expressed in reports. In addition the transformation of the measuring unit, another characteristic of chemical testing is the use of a set of equipment used in various steps in a single assay. Thus, the traceability of a test chemical can be represented by the standard operating procedure used and the intrinsic uncertainty of the process, not just for the traceability in its orthodox concept to the SI. This work, second of the series, aims to discuss the contribution of uncertainty concerning the traceability of equipment used in comparison to the uncertainty concerning the traceability of driving operating procedure, and shows the strong dependence of the nature of the sample (matrix effect) and its impact the uncertainty of results when a sample is applied to a non adequate procedure. The results suggest that an operational procedure produced of a validated method with controls performance established a priori and implemented during driving tests represents the traceability test.

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