Prof. Jaroslav Janák e a primeira patente de um cromatógrafo

Collins, Carol H.

Palavras-chave: History of chromatography, gas chromatograph, gas-solid chromatography, first patent of a chromatograph.

Resumo: As the analyst responsible for determining inorganic gases and light hydrocarbons, new chemical engineer Jaroslav Janák developed a gas chromatograph using carbon dioxide as carrier gas, columns containing activated charcoal or silica gel for the separation, and a volumetric detector. In 1952 he solicited a patent on his invention and observed various industries applying his system.

Referências Bibliográficas

1. Claessen S. Studies on adsorption and adsorption analysis with special reference to homologous series. Arkiv for Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi 1946; 23:1.
2. Collins CH. Os precursores da cromatografia gás-sólido. Scientia Chromatographica 2011; 3:281.
3. Cremer E, Prior F. Anwendung der chromatographischen Methode zur Trennung von Gasen und der Bestimmung von Adsorptions energien. Zeitschrift fürElektrochemie und angewandte physikische Chemie 1951; 55:66-9.
4. Cremer E, Müller R. Trennung und Bestimmung von Substanzen durch Chromatographie in der Gasphase. Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie und angewandte physikische Chemie 1951; 55:217-20.
5. Collins CH. As contribuições da Profa. Erika Cremer à cromatografia gás-sólido. Scientia Chromatographica 2012.; 4:107.
6. Janák J. Chromatographische Halbmikroanalyse von Gasen I-III. Theoretische und praktische Grundlagen der Analyse. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 1954; 19:684.
7. Janák J. In: Ettre LS, Zlatkis A, editors. 75 years of chromatography - a historical dialogue. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1979. p. 173-185.
8. Janák J. Chromatographische Halbmikroanalyse von Gasen VI. Die Analyse der Edelgase. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 1954; 19:917.
9. Ettre LS. The Janák-type gas chromatographs of the 1950s. LC-GC Europe; 2002. Available from: articlestandard//lcgceurope/482002/39691/article. pdf.