Development of a new liquid phase microextraction method with hollow fiber HF-SBME for the analysis of the organochlorine compounds in water samples by GC-ECD

Ladino, Jhon Alexander Fiscal; Chacón, Sandra Liliana Correa; Loaiza, Sandra Ceballos; Salcedo, Alberto de la Ossa; Ocampo, Gonzalo Taborda; Nerin, Cristina

Palavras-chave: Organochlorine compounds, liquid phase microextraction, HF-SBME, CG‑ECD, pesticide, leachate, drinking water.

Resumo: A novel liquid phase microextraction (LPME) method has been developed, by coating with hollow fiber a metallic paper pin. Into of lumen of 30 mm of accurel membrane (300/1200 PP® Membrana GmbH Wuppertal-Germany) was put a 10 mm metallic piece, functionalizing the hollow fiber as a solvent bar and was used for the organochlorine compounds extraction from several aqueous samples.This new technique was coined as hollow fiber solvent bar microextraction HF-SBME, and has taken the advantages of the liquid phase microextraction with membrane such as: to serve as barrier for interferences, has a high enrichment factor, cheap and disposable to avoid carry over for one side and the skills of the stir bar sortion extraction such as: a big surface contact, a big mass transference capability and great facilities to recover the bar for the other side. The optimal conditions for the new microextraction method were: 1-octanol as organic solvent filled into membranes´s lumen (mode two phases); 20 min as extraction time; 700 rpm as stirring speed; 30 °C as temperature extraction; 20% NaCl as salting out effect. Under these conditions and after extraction procedure was injected 1 µL of extracted solvent from membrane´s lumen with Hamilton 10 µL syringe, and used a gas chromatography equipped with electron capture detector GC-ECD for the analysis of six organochlorine (except carbaryl) pesticide (endrin, dieldrin, 4,4´-DDD, aldrin, lindane) compounds in several aqueous samples as a leachate landfill and drinking water.

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