Column switching liquid chromatography for bioanalysis

Queiroz, Maria Eugênia Costa; Acquaro Junior, Vinicius Ricardo

Palavras-chave: Column Switching, liquid chromatography, sample preparation, bioanalysis.

Resumo: The Column Switching Liquid Chromatography is characterized by the sequential coupling of two columns with different dimension and stationary phases (different mechanisms of sorption/separation). Initially, some microliters of the sample are percolated in the column of the first dimension (1D) for selective sorption of the analytes and removal of the endogenous components from biological samples. After this procedure, the analytes (column 1D) are eluted for the second column (2D) for the chromatographic separation and posterior detention. Different detectors, such as UV, Diode Array Detector (DAD), fluorescence and mass spectrometer have been used with the column switching system. This automated technique allows the hyphenation (online) of the step of the sample preparation with the chromatographic system, diminishing the analysis time, and increasing the analytical sensitive (selective trace enrichment of the analytes). This technique can be used to determine the analytes in a biological complex matrix by direct sample injection or by simple sample pretreatment. This review describes column switching configurations, current developments, selective stationary phases, and applications in bioanalysis.

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