Cromatografia líquida com interação hidrofílica (HILIC)

Lanças, Fernando M.

Palavras-chave: HILIC, Hydrophilic-Interaction Chromatography, Hydrophilic- Interaction Liquid Chromatography, Aqueous Normal Phase, separation mechanisms, normal phase.

Resumo: HILIC , “Hydrophilic-Interaction Chromatography”, was first proposed by Alpert in 1990 for the separation of polar solutes. Sometimes this techniques has also been termed “Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography” and “Aqueous Normal Phase”. In a simple way, HILIC might be described as a variant of normal phase HPLC in which a hydrophobic column is used as stationary phase and a solvent mixture containing a high concentration of an organic solvent miscible with water (and sometimes a buffer) is used as mobile phase. In this work the main characteristics, separation mechanisms and applications of HILIC will be presented and critically discussed.

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